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Guards Columns Thrones UNCF Target Feb 2

Guards Columns Thrones UNCF Target Feb 2

XL Regal Throne E - Pair

XL Regal Throne E - Pair

Oversized regal wood frame with curled arms and plush red velvet upholstery. The seat sets 5 inches taller off the ground than normal. Matched Set. Rent together or separately. 62" tall x 28" wide x 32" deep

Throne K Stately Pair

Throne K Stately Pair

Oversized regal wood frame. Rich red seat and seat back. Matched Set. Rent together or separately. 59" tall x 25" wide x 28" deep

Throne C Wingback with ottoman

Throne C Wingback with ottoman

Upholstered Wingback Chair with separate ottoman. Great for photographs. Red velvet slipcovers for Christmas. 47" tall x 38" wide x 35" deep

Throne A - Regal Chair

Throne A - Regal Chair

Red Velvet, carved wood frame, red paisley print on sides and back. 38" tall x 26" wide x 30" deep

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